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1.Teacher Education in NCFFS (2022)Prof. Lalit KumarDownload
2.Analysing India-Nepal Social and Economic Integration
Opportunities & Challenges
Prof. Jitendra RajakDownload
3.Indian Middle Class and Freedom MovementProf. Rajeev RanjanDownload
4.A Study of Role of Teacher Development Co-ordinator in Enhancing the Efficiency of Teachers with special reference to On-line TeachingProf. Kartar SinghDownload
5.Transforming Teacher Education in the light of National Education Policy-2020 and Goal of Viksit BharatProf. Md. Faiz AhmadDownload
6.Integrating Leadership Strategies and Teacher Professional Development to Build Effective Classroom EnvironmentsDr Mohsena khalil, Dr Mozaffar Islam
7.Sonthalia and the Sonthals and the Santal Hul of 1855 1856: A Critique of Colonial Perceptions of Edward Garnet ManDr. Neelam Singh, Dr.Dinesh Narayan VermaDownload
8.Impact of mid day meal scheme on health and Education of childrenDr. Vinita RaniDownload
9.The Santal Hul of 1855-1856 and Its Heroes Sido and Kanhu Exploring the Annals of the Hul and its Heroes in Contemporary Print MediaAmisha Raj, Dr.Dinesh Narayan VermaDownload
10The study of QOL in Diabetes and Hypertension patientsManish Kumar, Ranjan KumarDownload
11Positive and negative impacts of the New Education Policy 2020 : An analysisDr.Md.Imbesatul HaqueDownload
12. Role of Digital Learning in EducationDr. Amrendra KumarDownload
13Special Schools Assisting in Inclusive Education and Diverse Learning in Patna
Noushia TabassumDownload
14Analytical Assessment of Indian Education Policies(NPE1968-1986)Anjana KumariDownload
15Equity and Inclusion in Higher EducationMd. Sadre AlamDownload
16Improvising Skill Development & Employability: Enhancing Societal ProsperityDr. Rashmi SinhaDownload
17Changing Dynamics of the Indo-Pacific Region: Strategic Challenges and Opportunities for IndiaAkshay AgrawaDownload
18वातावरण संरक्षण के प्रति हिंदू धर्म में धार्मिक प्रथाओं का महत्वडॉ. कुमारी सुनीता सिंह Download
19शिक्षक शिक्षा में शिक्षण की प्रभावशीलता और आईसीटी के महत्व : एक अध्यनडॉ. कामरान हसन Download
20बौद्ध दर्शन एवं मूल्य शिक्षा का अवलोकनराकेश कुमार सिंह Download
21शिक्षा में सृजनशीलता : नूतन दृष्टिकोण एवं विधियाँनिष्ठा नंदनी Download
22स्वामी विवेकानन्द की दृष्टि में शिक्षा की प्रासंगिकता प्रो विनोद कुमार चौधरी Download
23समावेशी शिक्षा में शिक्षण अधिगमन प्रकिया डॉ विनय कुमार Download