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1.Recent Trends in Multi-Relational Data MiningProf. (Dr.) Vinay Kumar SinghDownload
2.Trans-border Tribe of Manipur in India :
The ‘Anal ‘ a Short Ethnographic Study
Dr. Meheboob HassanDownload
3.Use of Pedagogical Methods in Development
of Quality Teaching Learning
Farhatul Ain Tasneem SabDownload
4.A Study of Scientific Attitude of Secondary School
Teachers` (Govt. and Private) on their Behaviour
Rabindra PrasadDownload
5.A study on Social duty among Higher Secondary
School Students
Basuki Nath JhaDownload
6.Consumer Protection in India : Need of todayDr. Ajeya VermaDownload
7.Paving a way to the Preksha Meditation-Maitri (Amity)Muni Kumar ShramanDownload
8.Globalization paradigm and its impact
on Indian Economy
Dr. Sumit PrasadDownload
9.An Analytical Study on on-line learning during
pandemic Covid-19
Sonu RajakDownload
10.Scientific Knowledge of Education based on
Herbert Spencer
Md. Imbesatul HaqueDownload
11.Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
in Insurance Sector
Dr. Naveen KumarDownload
12.Mergers and Acquisition of SBI with its others
Associate Banks: An analysis
Dr. Kamini KumariDownload
13.Challenges of Education and
Human Resource Development
Mrs. Manisha HeraDownload
14.Rural Development in India: Problems and ProspectsDr. Anil Kumar JhaDownload
15.Study on Angles and Direction of Arrival of
Radio Waves
Dr. Vinit Kumar ThakurDownload
16.स्कूली शिक्षा में असमानता का वंचित वर्ग के बच्चो के शिक्षा पर प्रभाव (मुजफ्फरपुर के प्रारंभिक विद्यालय के संबंध में एक अध्ययन तमना अनवर Download
17.बिहार का लोकप्रिय नाट्य - प्रदर्शन डोमकच अदिति वर्मा Download