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Call for Papers

Dear Sir/Madam,

Wish you Happy New year Greeting. I feel great pleasure to inform you that Buddha Mission of India, Patna has to publish a Journal “Ideal Research Review Registered to RNI, Govt of India and ISSN covering all branches of Social Science, Humanities & science. The above Journal Multidisciplinary Issue is published in March, June, September & December every year. I am glad to inform you that Journal volume 1 started from 1998. We are now  in process of publishing Sixty seven issues of the journal. Ideal Research Review March 2022 issue for research papers / articles are being invited from Universities, College, Teacher, Researcher etc organizations. The guideline for submitting the research papers / articles for publication in the aforesaid journal may be downloaded from the website of the journal : www. journalirr.com . I shall appreciate if you may kindly contribute a research paper/ article on the format as per  guidelines  given in the Journal website. The soft copy of research papers may please be sent to E-mail id: idealreview@gmail.com  at the earliest. The subscription rate of the journal and charges of publication of research / scientific articles are also given in guide lines.

We will be pleased to hear any further query regarding the journal.

With regards,



Dr. Kamal Prasad Bauddha
Chief Editor, IRR
E.Mail: idealreview@gmail.com
Website: www.journalirr.com
Mob. : 9431071782

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Current issue – June 2022

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